I finally took the time to order business cards for my blog, as I was really wishing I had some earlier in the summer when I started my Manitoba Stay-Cation theme. I’m really happy with the finished look of the cards and when I ordered, Vista Print offered t-shirts with the same logo for a mere $6.50. I couldn’t resist ordering myself a top as well. I can’t stand a t-shirt that is too small and wasn’t really sure about the sizes, so ended up ordering one that is way too big for me. Although I could have just kept it and made it a t-shirt nighty, I decided to make a few minor adjustments and try to upcycle it into something I might wear.
T-shirt Upcylce:
I found this super simple t-shirt tutorial from Recycled Lovelies and was waiting for the perfect opportunity to try it out. I figured there was no time like the present and used the ribbon gathering idea on my new t-shirt. Basically, you just add a small piece of fabric to the inside of the shirt and sew three single lines to create a channel for the ribbon. You can then cinch the ribbon as tight as you want and it gathers the shirt in nicely. For the detailed tutorial, follow the link above. I also added a piece of ribbon to the inside of each shoulder seam with a button hole in the end. This allowed me to roll up the “way too big” sleeves. Of course, I had to add buttons as well. This was a pretty simple make-over and although its not fabulous, it does make it fun and more wearable.
Very nice. I don’t know anything about sewing, but I do admire people who have skills I don’t have.