Although I was not on “my game” when taping this video (lots of edits), my heart was in it! Unlike most of the presents I wrap, this was a real gift! It always means more when you have a recipient in mind. I picked up this bible at Sam’s Place a few days ago, with my friend Heather in mind. I knew that this version was one she really wanted and when I found a brand new copy, I couldn’t resist. Now consider yourself warned….I’m going to go off on a little tangent here, but I just have to ….If you’ve never been to Sam’s Place before, I encourage you to check it out! It’s a used book store and café. It is operated by Mennonite Central Committee Manitoba through a large group of volunteers. There’s great coffee, food and of course, many books. I often manage to find brand new ones and the prices are always great! Fabulous place to meet a friend for coffee. It’s located on Henderson Highway, here in Winnipeg. A favourite for sure. There’s my plug!
Knowing that Heather’s favourite colour is pink, I began to go through my stash to see what I could come up with. The interesting thing about combing paper and patterns is that you can often produce a great look with paper/patterns that might not be that special on their own. To be honest, I did’t love the chosen paper and guessed I would never use it for scrapbooking. However, what I did know was that 1. Heather loves pink! 2. Once you begin to combine elements it is surprising how a pattern can be elevated. The combination of patterns, shades of pink and simplistic design came together nicely to create a beautiful finished look.
One of the features of this gift wrapping design is the inclusion of pleats along the centre of the present. This finished look was primarily created using paper scraps, but you certainly wouldn’t think of it as “leftovers”. The simple white lattice ribbon and a brad are the only extras in creating this look. I did use my circle punches to cut the concentric circles that anchor the centre of the paper flower. Definitely worth investing in a few circle punches of various sizes. (The dollar store sometimes carries small circle punches.)
Check out my latest video from BOWhemian WRAPsody to see how this gift was pulled together.
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