I never like to pigeon hole my gift wrapping creations by saying they are more suited to a male than a female, but I do feel that some, feature elements that are combined to create a simpler look that may be considered more appropriate for a male than pretty flowers, lace and doilies! My purpose for making the designation is simply that when wrapping for a male, one sometimes wishes to create a more “manly” vibe and I think I have some ideas to help make that happen.
This design relies on geometric paper shapes and a simple square-topped brad. I love the black and white elements coupled with a hint of silver. One of my favourite additions to this gift is the use of washi tape in lieu of ribbon. Check out the video to see how several different looks are created with the embellishments mentioned above. In addition, find out what my suggestions are with regards to purchasing washi tape. Washi tape makes a great alternative to ribbon, but be mindful when purchasing so that you don’t end up with a collection of tape that never gets used.
I also highlight one of my favourite paper punches. In this video, I use my double square punch from Creative Memories….one of those “can’t live without” tools that I purchased several years ago. (I noticed that it is no longer available through their site, but perhaps it or something similar can be found on eBay or through Amazon).
I hope you enjoyed the video! Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE to my channel: BOWhemian WRAPsody for more great gift wrapping tutorials.