Hilarious Kitchen Aid Mixer Review

Kitchen Aid MixerI blew the motor in my electric mixer when I was making the frosting for Eden’s  birthday cake a few weeks back. No kidding….I’m sure this must be at least the 6th mixer I’ve gone through in the past 10 years. It doesn’t seem to matter whether I buy a really cheap one or something a bit more expensive. Of course, my dream is to own a heavy duty Kitchen Aid mixer with the stand and bowl. Although I’ve always been too cheap to pay $400 for a mixer,  I must admit I’m starting to see it more as a necessity than a luxury.  Anyway, I was checking out mixers on the Costco site and thought I would read some product reviews, as there were a few different models to choose from. I came across this review and just had to share it. It is too funny…way to go “Geek Dad”!
Kitchen Aid Review