Teen Room Make-Over Update: Slowly, but Surely

Quick Update:

July has come and gone in a flurry of activity. The kids took two weeks of swimming lessons, Eden and I worked on her bedroom make-over and I spent endless hours planning our 2015 summer road trip. Today, we hit the road at 5:37 a.m.!  I have 13 hours in the van with wi-fi (tethering) and I hope to knock of a few posts! One of the goals of this trip is to “unplug”, but I’m beginning the trip by breaking my own rules because I’ve hardly had the time to breathe, let alone blog and really miss it. We will be in Alberta until Monday, so I want to take advantage of my data plan before we leave the country for 3 weeks. Of course the kids weren’t the least bit disappointed when I told them they could tether as well! Let’s face it, the prairies don’t exactly captivate your attention. There will be plently of time to connect in the remaining 90 hours we plan to spend on the road!  Once our “official” road trip begins, I will try to do regular posts, but I’m guessing they will be mostly pictorial. We are so excited about this vacation and all that we have planned. Hopefully you’ll enjoy following our journey.

Bedroom Update: Slowly, but Surely

I recently posted some pictures of Eden’s bedroom. The make-over was a huge amount of work because it wasn’t just a matter of changing the paint colours. The large mural wall had to be completely sanded to remove all of the ridges that were formed from the application of so many different colours. Eden and I spent about 10 hours hand sanding the ridges of the mural and the painted border in the little alcove. She wanted her new room to have white walls. Of course, white couldn’t be more different than the previous explosion of colours that basked her walls. I should have known better, but made a judgement error. We used Benjamin Moore “simply white”. The paint says its “paint and primer in one”. I should have went with my gut and primed anyway, but didn’t. The result was 4 coats of “simply white”. You can imagine the frustration. Hours of sanding and 4 coats of paint all of which required extra dry time due to the humidity. Remember, we live in a 2300 square foot 1920’s house with nothing more than a window air conditioner. It was hot and sticky to say the least!

When all was said and done, I must say white seemed a bit blah! White is actually one of my very favourite colours, but it just seemed so plain going from the colourful mural. Of course, Eden was quick to remind me that it “wasn’t my room” and she knew exactly what she wanted. To off set the white, she wanted the wall with the closet door and entry to the alcove painted in black chalkboard paint. Although she hasn’t taken much time to personalize/decorate the wall, it has already been a hit with friend’s signatures and little notes!

The only colour on the walls is found on the back wall and angled ceiling of the alcove. The palette Eden chose is black, white and red. I must say its very contemporary and even some what sophisticated. We still have lots to do, but she is already thrilled with the progress we’ve made.

I loved the black and red with the plain white walls! However, in order to make the black wall “chalk friendly”, we had to prime it by covering the entire surface with chalk.

With the walls done, it was time to tackle the furniture. Eden had been asking for a bedroom make-over for about 2 years, but I think I had been putting it off knowing what a huge job it would be. Her original room had everything colour cooridinated…from shelves to upholstered chairs. Pretty much everything in the room was painted or made to fit the old colour palette. It was nice, but makes the change that much harder. Of course, not everything is getting done right now, but if you want to see some of the projects we’ve completed check out tomorrow’s post!

“Turn The Page” ~ Eden’s Room Make-Over

I was so looking forward to the summer and couldn’t wait to finally have the time and energy to put up some regular posts. Baseball season is over, school has been finished for 3 weeks and yet, this is only the second time I’ve sat down at the computer to post. Why is that you might ask? Well, so far, we have been super busy! We did 2 weeks of swimming lessons at the outdoor pool in our neighborhood which was fabulous, but meant at we were tied up from 8:45 am until about 12:30 everyday. Aside from that, I have been busy planning out our 2015 Road Trip to Southern California. This is a huge undertaking and has consumed every spare moment. Between swimming lessons and vacation planning, Eden and I have been plugging away at re-designing her bedroom. I must say this is exciting and sad all at the same time. I chose the colour scheme for her room when I was pregnant with her (14 years ago). Since then, we have lived in 3 places and although the layout changed and the room evolved, the palette remained the same. Eden turned 13 about 6 months ago and is more than ready for a new look that is more “grown-up”.  After lots of planning and discussion, it was time to “turn the page”.

Eden's Nursery

Fabric Swatches

These are the fabric swatches from the original nursery design. So lovely!

This is a terrible picture, but the only one I have of Eden’s nursery. It was a real “labour of love”. Most fo the accessories were white, with aqua and apple green accents. I had found a whole whack of colour coordinated fabrics that I absolutely loved and went to town. You can tell how dated it all is with the homemade bumper pads (that are no longer deemed safe) and a photo so old it’s not in digital format and had to be scanned! This room was a huge project because aside from painting the walls, I had made pretty much everything from the fabric I had found ~ roman blinds, the sheers and canopy, the bumper pads and quilt, as well as a re-upholstered chair and the cushion for the rocking chair. Fortunately, when we moved (when Eden was 4), the blinds, sheers and chair still worked in her new room. We decided to go with the same colour scheme, but update the look by adding a hand painted mural. When we moved again only 2 years later, Eden was not yet ready to give up her mural and thus I did it all over again in our current home. This was Eden’s room just a few weeks ago, but it is now taking on a whole new look. Stay tuned as we begin to reveal the total room make-over. I know this will be a process and it won’t be completely finished for months, but were finally getting close!

Staff Room Coffee Bar

Well, after many months of planning and working to get this pulled together, we finally got our new coffee station up and running. We still haven’t figured out exactly how we’ll set-up the sugar, spoons, guest cups, etc, but at least we can say it’s up and running. You may remember a few previous posts that highlighted an ugly thrift store painting and old buffet in dire need of some TLC. Here are the before and afters!

Before and After Frame

I loved this oversized frame and the detail in it was awesome. A simple coat of paint takes it from yuck to wow!

Before and After Frame

Antique BuffetAntique Buffet Before and After

The completed station turned out well and seems to function much better for our large staff. Instead of having the counter tops cluttered with numerous coffee machines, we were able to develop a separate coffee station that is set apart from the busy “kitchen area”.

coffee bar

To learn how to create your own chalkboard art click on the picture and it will take you to a previous post with helpful links to follow.

coffee bar

We ended up having a piece of glass cut to size to rest on top of the painted cabinet. We knew this would be a high traffic area with lots of drips and spills, so although expensive, I think we’ll be glad we purchased the glass top.

You can probably see the heavy metal wire below. We had to have an electrician in to place a plug on the wall. We carefully measured it out and gave explicit directions, but because we all have a jobs to do and didn’t actually supervise the installation, we ended up with an ugly plug installed on the outside of the wall. Silly me, I just assumed it would be set into the wall just like any other plug. Oh well, it isn’t really that noticable (except when your standing back to take a picture)!!

Stay tuned…..Eden and I have been super busy re-doing her bedroom. It is a huge undertaking and is taking up all of my spare time. I have a feeling it will “evolve” and not be completely finished for some time, but I will start posting as soon as we have made a little more progress.