Staff Room Coffee Bar

Well, after many months of planning and working to get this pulled together, we finally got our new coffee station up and running. We still haven’t figured out exactly how we’ll set-up the sugar, spoons, guest cups, etc, but at least we can say it’s up and running. You may remember a few previous posts that highlighted an ugly thrift store painting and old buffet in dire need of some TLC. Here are the before and afters!

Before and After Frame

I loved this oversized frame and the detail in it was awesome. A simple coat of paint takes it from yuck to wow!

Before and After Frame

Antique BuffetAntique Buffet Before and After

The completed station turned out well and seems to function much better for our large staff. Instead of having the counter tops cluttered with numerous coffee machines, we were able to develop a separate coffee station that is set apart from the busy “kitchen area”.

coffee bar

To learn how to create your own chalkboard art click on the picture and it will take you to a previous post with helpful links to follow.

coffee bar

We ended up having a piece of glass cut to size to rest on top of the painted cabinet. We knew this would be a high traffic area with lots of drips and spills, so although expensive, I think we’ll be glad we purchased the glass top.

You can probably see the heavy metal wire below. We had to have an electrician in to place a plug on the wall. We carefully measured it out and gave explicit directions, but because we all have a jobs to do and didn’t actually supervise the installation, we ended up with an ugly plug installed on the outside of the wall. Silly me, I just assumed it would be set into the wall just like any other plug. Oh well, it isn’t really that noticable (except when your standing back to take a picture)!!

Stay tuned…..Eden and I have been super busy re-doing her bedroom. It is a huge undertaking and is taking up all of my spare time. I have a feeling it will “evolve” and not be completely finished for some time, but I will start posting as soon as we have made a little more progress.