As previously mentioned, this spring I was on a mission to try to enhance the look of our backyard with some items that would help break up the “sea of green” that was produced by our vine. We used some old drawers and the back of a ladder back chair to add a bit of height and interest to the back left corner of our yard. The old spindles that we salvaged from our stair makeover were transformed into a DIY picket fence. We also made some faux birdhouses out of old spindle legs to add a bit of colour. In the opposite corner, Tim built and painted a simple planter box that he attached to an old door we had stored in the basement. I picked up the chair for $5 and used an old bench from the basement to add varying levels to the little vignette we were attempting to create. We already had the old birdhouse in the yard, but it looks great hanging from the door!
Outdoor design and gardening is a huge stretch for me. It just isn’t really my thing and therefore not high on my priority list. This backyard design certainly is not award winning and doesn’t leave me feeling overly impressed with the results. Having said that, I think we now have a few things to get us started. I’m guessing that this, like so many other projects, will be a work in progress and change and evolve as we go, but for now I am pleased to spruce up the yard a bit and declutter my basement at the same time! I do love the lush green vine, but when it was solid green without any colour or interest to break it up, it was a bit much.
Here is a collage of the backyard upcycle projects we did this spring.

(Some of these photos are from June when the flowers were just beginning to grow, they have filled out quite nicely now.) I had painted this old mailbox for my classroom many years ago, but now with most of my communications with parents being through email, I no longer need it. I love this added touch on the fence! I hope this leaves you feeling inspired to reconsider some of those items that seem like they are headed for the landfill. Perhaps you can think of a way to get them out of the house, but find new life and purpose in your yard!