Life Hacks I Love #5: How to Prevent an Avocado from Browning

I put avocado and apple in my lunch almost everyday. I make my salad in the morning before work and the avocado only seems to get brown if it was already over ripe when I put it in the salad.  Otherwise, both the apple and avocado maintain their colour and still appear fresh and appetizing at lunch time. This always stumped me because when I store the other half of the avocado in my fridge the surface always browns. I do understand that avocados “oxidize” when they are exposed to air, much the same as an apple or a potato. However, what I failed to comprehend was why both seemed to maintain their colour in my salad, but not when stored in the fridge. I honestly don’t remember where I read this, but I think it was embedded in a recipe that called for avocado ~ sorry, but I couldn’t find the source. Anyways, the poster suggested adding a bit of red onion to your salad to prevent browning. Well, clearly I didn’t have to test this theory because I eat the same salad almost everyday ~ mixed greens, apple, avocado, raw pumpkin seeds and you guessed it….red onion! I finally had my answer. The onion prevents both the apple and avocado from oxidizing in my salad!  So, this got me to thinking….”I wonder if it would it work if I stored a little piece of red onion in the plastic wrap with my avocado?” Sure enough, after 12 hours in the fridge, it looks no different from when I placed in there that morning. (Had I been thinking, I would have removed the plastic wrap so that you would have a better view, but I didn’t so this is the best shot I have to share.)

When looking for the source of the above tip, I did come across what seems to be another great idea. On “thekitchn“, Faith suggests pouring a layer of water over guacamole to keep it from browning. Pour off the water and give it a stir when ready to eat.  She also suggests not using plastic wrap as it is too porous and still allows air to penetrate the food. She also shares a few of their favourite guacamole recipe, so follow the link if you want to check out her post. Thanks for the great advise Faith!

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