It’s Girl Talk!

I am not even sure what category this post fits into…health and wellness I guess?  Truly there is nothing like a good laugh…

Laughter doeth good like a medicine!

This video is so funny, especially from the perspective of a mom with a tween.

Got to love the Camp Gynecologist!  So much to look forward to ~ not!

Hello Flo

The funniest part of the whole thing is that this video is a commercial for an online business called Hello Flo.  The website is designed for women and girls! Can you imagine having a little “care package” sent to you each month that corresponds with your cycle?  Well, it’s happening.  Sign-up and receive all you need to get you through the monthly horrors.  If you check-out the BLOG tab at the top of their home page, there are other “Period Hacks”.    Even their tagline cracks me up:  HelloFlo: Tampon Delivery.  Period Simplicity. Hilarious!!

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