One of my all time favourite speakers is coming to town! Springs Church is hosting Dr. Kevin Leman for several sessions at the end of April. He is the author of dozens of fabulous books on parenting, marriage and other self-help topics and he is absolutely hilarious. He has a wealth of information, but delivers in “stand-up comedy” fashion. I have heard him speak a few times before and came home with a tummy ache from all of the belly laughs. I am so excited he is coming back and his topics sound great. I just purchased my tickets and am inviting my readers to join me for an evening of fun. This is one of his best selling books which I have read and loved, but he has written numerous. There is literally something for everyone. Click the book image to check out the book or follow this link to see his best sellers.

Click on the excerpt from the Springs Church website to take you directly to the link where tickets can be purchased.
If you decide to purchase tickets, let me know and perhaps we can arrange to sit together! For those of you that can’t make it, I highly recommend Dr. Leman’s books as they are both informative and enjoyable to read. Although his books are filled with his humour, nothing beats his live delivery. Hope you can make it!
I can’t be there, but hope you have a wonderful time.